
Case Study One

Role:Interim Management
Issue:Projected large loss for financial year and No Management solution identified
location:New Zealand
Outcome:The business recovered losses and now trades profitably

The business was a technical Training business with a small team of employed trainers. The business had a majority shareholder who had left it to be run by the previous owner with overseeing board controlled by the new owner.

Initial Findings were

  • that there was insufficient work for the number of people employed,
  • that work that was being done was not being properly paid for,
  • that staff were demoralised and were not being kept informed,
  • that relationships with customers and potential customers were broken, and
  • that there were other issues for the manager.

The solution included

  • Repairing or re-establishing relationships
  • Securing proper payment for services supplied
  • Enabling Staff to be proactive in securing additional work
  • Revising business process
  • Enabling existing manager to move on
  • Restructuring the business to fit the revenue
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